Main Point 1
Here is the first Main Point for this lesson.
Main Point 2
Here is the second Main Point for this lesson.
Main Point 3
Here is the third Main Point for this lesson.
About Us
We Think You Can
Make Great Things Happen
We believe you have the ability to make amazing things happen. But great ideas often meet the greatest resistance. With the right skills, you can turn any obstacle into an opportunity to create, collaborate, and instigate positive change that makes the world a better place.
Our Vision
We imagine a world where each person is able to achieve "the fullest stature of which they are innately capable", in order to use their gifts to transform our world for the better.
Our Mission
Here's how our work works...
(or "How to Save the World in 3 Easy Steps")
The Business of Building Bridges
Social entrepreneurs are 'fusion makers'. We break down silos and build bridges between sectors, fields, and industries in order to create innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems. Because the world's biggest problems require collaborative solutions.
The Both-And Economy
We equip a new breed of entrepreneur with innovative business models that blend the best of both worlds.
Social Entrepreneurs
(n.) society's change agents; creators of innovations that disrupt status quo and transform our world for the better.
The World Needs Your Gifts
You were gifted to make a difference. And gifts were made to be given. So don't deprive the world of your gifts for another minute. Because the world needs it more than ever. (And it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Trust us.)
Doing Good is Contagious.
We do our best work when we help others do theirs. And when you create bold solutions to big problems that inspire you, you'll inspire others to create solutions too.
We Think You Should Join Us
We're optimists in a world of negativity; disruptors in a world of complacency; creators in a world of destruction. We just want to make the world a better place; and we have a feeling you do too. You should join us.
Because The Lawyers said so....
We know you're smart enough to figure this out. But the lawyers want us to be SUPER clear, and spell this out for you.
Scaling Change provides "business training" and "training in the field of communications technologies", as described in International Class 41 Services. (Nerdy legal stuff.)
We hope you find this a sufficiently explicit reference to the services we provide.
So if you came here looking for deep fried icecream, we regret to inform you you are not at the right business. But if you find a good spot, let us know and we'll join you!